Monday, April 8, 2013

Looking Out and In at the past

Last month, we took a walk back in time at Kings Landing. As I gazed out the window, I saw this fence wandering along the back of the property, its hard to believe that these fences could keep livestock in. Inside the house, old quilting dummies(stands) stood alongside a  bed covered with a timeless quilt just waiting to be used. A number of century old quilts adorned the beds to show pieces of our history. These quilts are very beautiful, displaying hours and days of work that took place over a century ago. I can hardly wait until summer to go back to view all the houses at Kings Landing and see their quilt displays.Today's quilts can be every bit as beautiful as we keep carrying on a Canadian tradition.

1 comment:

  1. Loved you trip to Kings Landing, Gwenda. Thanks for taking me with you!
